Assessment of ADHD and Autism for adults and children

As Psychiatry can work

Those who need help should not have to wait. Start your journey today with Nova Psychiatry.

Why we exist

Psychiatry in Sweden unfortunately does not work as it should, neither for children nor adults.

  • The waiting time is 1-6 years until one has a complete assessment in most parts of the country.

  • Many are not offered any assessment at all despite major problems in everyday life.

  • After the assessment is completed, the waiting time can be over a year again to start medication and treatment.

Nova Psychiatry was founded with the vision of having Sweden's most satisfied patients, where everyone receives the right help in time. We want to show how psychiatry can work. Where the patient is in focus and the assessment takes place on your terms.

Why choose Nova?

Superior Accessibility

  • Assessment completed within 30 days.

  • Possible to complete the assessment within 1 week.

  • Free assessment call via video within 48 hours.

  • Available during daytime, evenings, and weekends.

  • Clinics in over 10 cities.

  • Possibility for favorable installment payments for up to 24 months.

Quality and Patient Focus

  • Free assessment call, to ensure that no assessments are done unnecessarily.

  • Individually tailored assessment.

  • Experienced psychologists and psychiatrists who work according to the guidelines of the National Board of Health and Welfare.

  • Written and oral statements, with customized tips and advice for you and your relatives.

  • We guide you further directly after the assessment with treatment and medication.

Our Services

ADHD assessment

We offer ADHD assessments for both adults and children.


An assessment for adults with suspected ADHD/ADD is aimed at those over 18 who experience symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms can affect both work and personal relationships.

An ADHD assessment may be suitable for those with long-standing problems with organization, task completion, concentration on boring tasks, or emotional regulation, especially if this affects your well-being and quality of life.


If your child exhibits symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, impulsivity, or challenges in managing emotions, and these symptoms impact their schooling, friendships, or home life, an assessment can be crucial for understanding and supporting your child.

It is normal for all children to sometimes struggle with sitting still, concentrating, or becoming upset. However, if these behaviors are more pronounced in your child compared to peers and lead to negative consequences, it might be time to consider an ADHD assessment.

Autism assessment

We offer Autism assessments for both adults and children.


An autism assessment for adults is aimed at those over 18 who experience symptoms such as difficulties in social interactions, communication, and sensitivity to changes. These symptoms can affect both work and personal relationships.

If you have recurring problems with relationships, routines, or understanding and managing emotions, an autism assessment may be relevant for you. This is especially true if these problems affect your well-being and quality of life.


If your child exhibits symptoms such as difficulties with social interaction, communication, and sensitivity to changes, an autism assessment may be necessary, especially if these symptoms impact their schooling, recreational activities, and relationships with friends and family.

It is normal for children to sometimes struggle with expressing emotions and needs or to find it difficult to handle unexpected events. However, if these challenges are more significant for your child and affect their well-being, an autism assessment should be considered.

Book a free consultation

Appointment within 24 hours. Call via video, chat, or phone. Choose a time that suits you in the calendar.

Note: The booking page is in Swedish. If you prefer the call in English, please write a message when booking. Our staff speaks excellent English and will be happy to assist you. You can also call us at 08-519 35 900.


Standard - 28 995 SEK

Our most popular option which includes:

Complete assessment within 30 days.

✔ Both physical and digital visits are possible*.

✔ Oral and written feedback, customized recommendations, further assistance after the assessment is completed.

Favorable installment payments through our partner Medical Finance*.

*Medical assessments are always conducted physically.

*Only possible for assessments in Sweden.

Flex - 34 995 SEK

For those who want to complete the assessment at a time that suits them, e.g., outside regular working hours. In addition to Safe, it also includes:

✔ Ability to complete the assessment in the evenings and on weekends.

✔ Statement to employers, school, or relatives if desired.

Priority - 37 995 SEK

Sweden’s fastest and smoothest assessment. In addition to what is already included in Standard and Flex:

Assessment completed within a week from the date you decide to conduct an assessment.

✔ It is possible to conduct the entire assessment in one day.

✔ We assist you over 12 months with up to 10 different certificates and statements.

What is a Free Assessment Call?

You can easily book a time in our calendar that suits you. We have appointments available during the day, evenings, and weekends to accommodate different needs. We have appointments within 72 hours, but often have availability within 36 hours. The assessment call ensures that an evaluation is justified and not done unnecessarily. The call lasts 30 minutes and is typically conducted via video, but can also be done by phone or chat if you prefer. Booked assessment calls are free, but we charge a no-show fee of 500 SEK if you miss the appointment without canceling. Please inform us if you cannot attend.

Why Have an Assessment Call?

The main reason for having an assessment call is to determine if an evaluation is warranted. At Nova Psychiatry, we only conduct evaluations if we believe there is a high likelihood that it will lead to a diagnosis. We avoid unnecessary evaluations. Besides making a proper assessment, the call also provides an opportunity to ask questions and get more information. About 80% of those who undergo an evaluation with us receive a diagnosis. After the assessment call, we can give an approximate estimate of how likely it is that an evaluation will lead to a diagnosis for you or your child. Regardless of whether the evaluation leads to a diagnosis, we will help you further, and our patients are usually just as satisfied whether they receive a diagnosis or not.

If you have been wondering for a while whether you might have ADHD and/or Autism, a free assessment call can be a good first step. Whether you then choose to have the assessment with us or not, you will have a better understanding of whether it is worthwhile for you to pursue an evaluation.

How Does an Assessment Call Work?

The assessment call is 30 minutes long and takes place with one of our psychologists or psychologist assistants. (A psychologist assistant is someone who is in the final stages of their psychology program and is about to become a licensed psychologist).

  • You start by booking a time in our booking calendar on Kaddio, which you can find here. When booking the time, indicate if you prefer to have the call via video, phone, or chat and if you want the meeting in english.

  • If you have the call via video or chat, you need to log in to the Kaddio booking system when it's time for the call. You can easily log in to Kaddio via mobile Bank-ID. You will receive a link and reminder via SMS and email before the call. If you have the call via phone, we will call you at the agreed time.

  • When you book the time, you will receive 1-2 short forms that you should fill out before the call. These take about 5 minutes to complete and can be done on your phone. If you miss this, you can fill out the forms during or after the call as well.

  • During the assessment call, we ask questions to get to know you better. The questions are focused on determining how likely it is that you will receive a diagnosis if you undergo a full evaluation.

  • At the end of the call, you will be informed if we recommend an evaluation or not. If we recommend an evaluation, we will explain the different options available, so you can decide what suits you best if you want to proceed. For some, the best option is to have the evaluation through the regular psychiatric services, while for others, it is more suitable to have the evaluation with us. Those who choose to have the evaluation with us may prefer to do it quickly and smoothly in Sweden, or in Denmark to be able to get compensation for the cost from Försäkringskassan, which you can read more about here.

  • We will send the information to you after the call via SMS and email, so you don't have to remember everything.

  • Regardless of our conclusions or what you decide to do, we are happy to offer advice on how we believe you or your child can get help to feel better.

Assessment Call for Children

The assessment call for children works the same way as for adults. Typically, we have the assessment call with you as the adult and, if needed, we can complement it with an additional free assessment call with the child.

At Nova Psychiatry, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and tailored assessments that follow evidence and the national guidelines of the National Board of Health and Welfare. Our process is structured in four carefully designed steps to help you in the best possible way. Below you will find a general summary.

Step 1 - Free Assessment Call

We start with an initial assessment with a psychologist to determine the need for a full evaluation, saving you both time and money. If an evaluation is deemed appropriate, appointments are scheduled, often a few weeks ahead, with the option to complete everything in one day or spread it out, depending on what package you choose. We also offer flexibility with evening and weekend appointments, and the possibility to conduct the assessment from home.

Step 2 - The Assessment

The assessment at Nova Psychiatry consists of several carefully composed steps, tailored to the individual's needs and always in accordance with the best evidence-based methods and the guidelines of the National Board of Health and Welfare. The exact content is individually tailored to ensure the most accurate assessment possible. Below are the different parts that may be included in the assessment.

  • Medical Evaluation involves a thorough review of your medical history and current health status with a psychiatrist.

  • Drug Testing is a step that, if needed, ensures that no external substances affect the assessment's results.

  • Psychological Interview provides deeper insight into your life experiences and symptoms, complemented by interviews with close ones for a comprehensive picture.

  • Self-Assessment Forms are filled out digitally and provide valuable data about your symptoms and daily functions.

  • Psychological Tests may be required to objectively measure specific abilities and behavior patterns.

  • Review of Your Medical Records is part of the process where our experts analyze the medically and psychologically relevant history for the assessment.

  • Diagnosis Discussion and Evaluation is an internal step where doctors and psychologists review all collected information together to make a thorough assessment.

Step 3 - Review of Results

After the assessment, we review the results together, including both oral and written feedback. You receive an evaluation, potential diagnosis, customized recommendations, and tips. The written statement helps you in further contact with healthcare providers and provides guidance on managing your difficulties.

This meeting is crucial for you to fully understand your results, ask questions, and discuss the next steps, including information about additional support and possible medication. You leave with a clear plan for continued help and support.

The review is conducted either via video or in person and takes about 30-45 minutes.

Step 4 - Moving Forward

After we have reviewed the results, we help you find your way forward. We support you in finding the right resources and give you advice on how to seek further help and independently manage your needs.

How Does the Assessment Process Work?

Book a free consultation

Appointment within 24 hours. Call via video, chat, or phone. Choose a time that suits you in the calendar.

Note: The booking page is in Swedish. If you prefer the call in English, please write a message when booking. Our staff speaks excellent English and will be happy to assist you. You can also call us at 08-519 35 900.